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student at whiteboard

Abington MAPs success for math-centric majors

Their friends slept late, worked and relaxed this summer ... but 11 incoming Penn State Abington freshmen willingly spent an intense six weeks on campus. The upside of reducing downtime? These students in math-intensive majors boosted their skills by enrolling in an innovative program developed at Abington.

Back-to-school financial tips

Penn State Financial Literacy Manager Daad Rizk has compiled a list of six basic financial tips to help students successfully adapt to life away from home.
physics superheroes

Abington faculty coaches young physics superheroes

They are physics superheroes, solving incredibly complex problems in a single bound. When the U.S team "trains" the brightest young minds in the nation for the International Physics Olympiad, it relies on experts such as Mikhail Kagan, assistant professor of physics at Penn State Abington. This year, U.S. teens captured five medals in the competition.
Abington police intern

Abington intern: Thinking like a true detective

A Penn State Abington senior started his summer internship with the local police expecting to explore the intricacies of policing and network with officers. But his daily interactions led to a shift in his state of mind, reinforcing his commitment to a career in law enforcement.
Ah-Lisa Hull

The Doctor in Me: Diagnosis inspires Abington student

Penn State Abington senior Ah-Lisa Hull lives with type 1 diabetes and aspires to become a doctor so she can treat other with the condition. Through a video and brochure called The Doctor in Me, Hull spreads the word about the diabetic lifestyle.
Sue Stanton prosthesis

Artist empowers breast cancer patients

Susan Stanton, a core member of the Penn State Abington community of artists, works fitting women in various stages of breast cancer treatment and recovery with custom prostheses. She finds it a fulfilling way to expand her art practice while helping women heal.
Karen Wiley Sandler

Penn State Abington chancellor to retire

Karen Wiley Sandler, chancellor at Penn State Abington, transformed the institution into four-year baccalaureate college, added programs and NCAA Division III membership while ushering in an era of managed growth and budget stability.