Two Awards
The Office of Global Programs is pleased to announce funding for semester-long and embedded study-abroad applicants. We have 2 tiers of awards, each with their own amounts and resulting requirements upon acceptance:
Tier 1: (semester-long) $2,000-$5,000
Awardees who accept a Tier 1 award of $2,000.00 are expected to become Education Abroad Ambassadors for virtual and in-person events during the semester following their education abroad experience.
Ambassadors must support their fellow students interested in education abroad by being willing to answer questions about their experiences from other students in a mentorship capacity.
Additionally, during their semester abroad, Education Abroad Ambassadors will be expected to submit 1 social media post per month to our Office, participate in 1 social media takeover with our accounts for a weekend abroad, and submit a final testimonial of abroad experiences and/or portfolio on projects worked on while abroad.
These awardees will also be required to complete a survey on their program experiences for feedback on Penn State's education abroad programs.
Tier 2: (embedded) $500-$1,000
Awardees who accept a Tier 2 award of $500.00 are encouraged to volunteer as Education Abroad Ambassadors, but are not required to do so. They must, however, submit 1 social media post per month to our office while abroad. These awardees will also be required to complete a survey on their program experiences for feedback on Penn State's education abroad programs.
Awardees are determined on numerous qualities such as academic standing, financial need, and diversity of location. Please be aware that due to limited funding, awardees who accept one scholarship from our office for an academic year are ineligible to receive a second scholarship or subsidy from our office for programs, embedded or semester-long, during the same academic year.
Apply 45 days before your trip (Spring 2025)
Semester- Long, Application Due: November 15, 2024
Embedded Program, Application Due: January 15, 2025`