March 4, 2015
The Penn State Abington community recently honored 23 faculty and staff members for their years of service. Chancellor Karen Wiley Sandler hosted a reception in the Lares Union Building to celebrate these milestones:
10 years: Alexis Andruchiw, Ross Brinkert, Elaine Brofft, Andrew Cinquino, Robert Clark, Blaise DeSesa, Kathleen Fadigan, Shruti Gupta, Gina Kaufman, Marcus Roux and Kathleen Shishko.
20 years: Andrew August, Daniel Meuleners, Bryan Polk, Jose Rodriguez, David Ruth and Patricia Workman.
25 years: Gary Corsetti, Lonnie Golden, Joyce John, Ilene Karp and Wendy Richman.
30 years: Kenneth Johnson