Lear Award for Drawing and Painting: Taj Cannon, Muse in Mirror, oil and acrylic on canvas. Faculty describe him as an intuitive painter and praise his sense of color and composition. They say he was born to paint.
ABINGTON, Pa. — Art is fundamentally a form of intellectual and imaginative inquiry so the Bertha Lear art exhibition always kicks off undergraduate research week at Penn State Abington. Meet the 2016 Lear award winners and explore their art practice through faculty commentary.
The 10th annual Bertha Lear Art Exhibition is open to art majors and nonmajors. Robert Lear, a 1967 Penn State alumnus, and his wife, Marilyn, founded the exhibition program endowment in memory of his mother, an avid supporter of artists. The public is welcome to explore the exhibition through the month of April.