Interactive Technology
Boni Wozolek, PhD
Contact: [email protected]
- Polleverywhere (small groups)
- Address:
- Primary functions: Audience interacts in real time through polls, word clouds, trivia contests, etc.
- You can download a report of the results to analyze.
- Free accounts available
- Slido (larger groups)
- Address:
- Primary functions: Audience interacts through real time polls, questions, word clouds, etc
- Free accounts available
- Kahoot!
- Address:
- Primary functions: Mainly a trivia platform, word clouds, originally meant for K-12 classroom interaction
- Free accounts available
- Swift
- Address:
- Primary Functions: Interactive polls
- Limited free accounts available.
- Trello
- Address:
- Primary functions: Used to create workflow charts for collaboration. Easy to use tool for students and they can share the same board for group projects.
- Free accounts available
- Nearpod
- Address:
- Primary functions: Create a web space where students can take quizzes that interact similarly to the above sites but this is more of an interactive site that takes you through an entire lesson rather than a one-off activity.
- Address:
- Primary functions: Allows users to build mind-map images/ visual diagrams of thoughts. Can be collaborative.
- Free and premium plans available
- Padlet
- Address:
- Primary functions: An online form of post-its that is meant to be a collaborative space.
- Free plans available.