Race and Ethnic Studies Major
(Check the course schedule in LIONPATH for the most up to date information)
AAS 100N - Introduction to Asian American Studies
AFAM 101N - African American Women
AFAM 103 - Racism and Sexism
AFAM 110N - Introduction to African American Studies
AFAM 208 - Workshop: Theatre in Diverse Cultures
AFR 230 - Language and Social Justice
AMST 160N - Introduction to Asian American Studies
APLNG/CAS 200 - Language, Culture, and Communication
APLNG 220N - Multilingual Lives
CAS 471 - Intercultural Communication Theory and Research
CRIMJ/EDUC/SOC 205N - Critical Race Theory in the Humanities and Social Sciences
CRIMJ 451 - Race, Crime, and Justice
ENGL 182A - Literature and Empire – Embedded Study with travel to Ghana
ENGL 400 - The Literature of Imperialism
ENGL 428 - Asian American Literatures
ENGL 462 - Reading Black, Reading Feminist
ENGL 469 - Slavery and the Literary Imagination
HIST 179 - Latin American History since 1820
HIST 460Y - Research Seminar in the History of Asian Religion and Medicine
HIST 497 - Special Topics: Revolution in Latin America
SOC 119N – Race, Ethnicity and Culture
SOC 419 - Race and Public Policy
SOC 497 - Special Topics (Women of Color in Feminism)
THEA 208 - Workshop: Theatre in Diverse Cultures