Students who major in Data Sciences at Penn State Abington will focus their coursework by choosing between the Applied Data Sciences or Statistical Modeling options.
Option 1: Applied Data Sciences
Courses in the Applied Data Sciences option teach the critical analytical skills needed to assess the benefits and limitations of data analytics across a broad range of applications involving big data.
Within the Applied Data Sciences option, students must take a series of four courses in an application focus area or work with their academic adviser to create a custom focus. The focus areas allow students to develop more specialized knowledge in a specific domain.
Option 2: Statistical Modeling in Data Sciences
The students in the Statistical Modeling option receive additional training in statistics to be able to formulate, develop, and apply the proper statistical models and methods for data analyses such as experiment design, sampling, hypotheses testing, and limiting false discovery.
Students will develop core skills and real-world problem-solving approaches so they can compete for leading-edge analytics positions across industry sectors.