Catch 'em all at Abington

Pokemon GO on campus
Abington Pokemon GO

Catching Pokemon near the campus gazebo

Credit: Maria Narodetsky

ABINGTON, Pa. — Penn State Abington is hearing the news on Twitter and Instagram: The campus is a hot spot for Pokémon GO with a healthy share of PokéStops and gyms. A quick walk around campus reveals seven PokéStops — for newbies, that's where trainers replenish their stash of Pokéballs, potions, and receive the occasional egg. 

Abington PokéStops:

  • Woodland Building
  • Springhouse
  • Post office
  • Peace Pilgrim Rock (near Springhouse)
  • Amphitheater
  • Outdoor classroom
  • Gazebo
Pokemon GO

Magikarp dive bombs the residents of the Penn State Abington duck pond.

Credit: Maria Narodetsky

If trainers are up to the challenge, they can battle it out against other trainers at the gym at the Sutherland Plaza clock. 

Check out this campus map if you need help finding your way.
