Ex-Obama aide to share 'Lessons from the White House' at Abington

Reggie Love will draw from his experiences as a personal aide to President Barack Obama to share “Leadership Lessons From My Time at the White House” with Penn State Abington students at 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 7, in Common Break on campus.

Love, whom the president affectionately referred to as his “First Brother,” will present timeless and timely lessons on collaboration, crisis management and leadership in the 21st century. As Obama’s gatekeeper, Love was an eyewitness to the high-pressure world where daily decisions often resonate throughout the nation and the world.

This Black History Month event is part of the Spring 2012 Penn State Abington Lecture Series. The series is sponsored by the Academic Environment Committee, Lares Entertainment and Programming (LEAP) and the Division of Student Affairs, and funded by the student activities fee.
