Abington students release new edition of literary/art magazine

The release of the Spring 2012 edition of The Abington Review, the undergraduate visual and literary arts magazine of Penn State Abington, offers a window into the emotions and opinions of students through fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction and a variety of art mediums.

The magazine, which is available in print and online, offers a creative outlet to students in a variety of majors. Led by student-editor Matt Krimmel and Carolyn Esposito, lecturer in English, The Abington Review staff produces online issues in December and April, an annual print edition in April, and, new this summer, an additional online publication.

Enjoy poems such as these from Abington students along with the complete content of The Abington Review Spring 2012 edition at abingtonreview.com/2012/04/06/its-coming/.

Penn State
by Kayla Hughes
Pride hums like a whispered rhythm,
Every soul burning together in
Numbers that amass to thousands; a torch that can
Not be extinguished. Through good, through bad- or worse- we

Stand strong. United. A force
To be reckoned with.
All of us together an army: of knowledge, of
Truth, of power.
Every one of us knows how to answer the call. We are…

Embrace The Night
by George MacMillan

fear the night? embrace it!

‘tis the needed time
for respite…

gather up the dark
like an old worn blanket,

the stars poke through
its warp and weft,

ensconced snug inside —
congé to trepidation —

acceptance / yielding / delivery —
and become awakened —

solace / freedom / enchantment —
Fear lost, perpetually cloaked;

embrace the night
and the aurora

of its other side.

