Brinkert, R. S., & Chewning, L.V., (2020). Strategic Corporate Communication: Core Concepts for Managing Your Career and Your Clients’ Brands. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. https://titles.cognella.com/strategic-corporate-communication-9781516532735#
Chewning, L.V., (2019). Communication Networks. In A. Nicotera (Ed)., Organizational Communication: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Field. (pp. 168-186). Routledge.
Chewning, L.V. & Montemurro, B. (2018). Aging Hot: Images of Older Women’s Desirability on Hot in Cleveland. Sexuality and Culture, 22(2), 462-478.
Chewning, L.V. (2018). Defining Virtual Engagement. In M. Taylor & K. Johnston (Eds.) Handbook of Communication Engagement. West Sussex: Wiley.
Chewning, L.V. (2018). Social Networks. In The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Chewning, L.V. (2017). Organizational sensemaking in a mixd-media environment: The case of Paula Deen. In C. Liberman, D. Rodriguez, & T. Avtgis (Eds.) Casing Crisis and Risk Communication. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Montemurro, B., & Chewning, L.V. (2017). Unscripted: Exploring representations of older unpartnered women’s sexuality. Journal of Women and Aging, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08952841.2017.1290987
Chewning, L.V., & Montemurro, B. (2016). The structure of support: Mapping network evolution in an online social support group. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 355-365.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2016.07.006 (https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1TOfZ2f~UVz7iu)
Chewning, L.V. (2016). Measuring the enactment of IRT in social media:What are organizations and stakeholders saying during crisis? In J. Blaney (Ed.), Putting image repair to the test: Quantitative applications of image restoration theory. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Chewning, L.V. (2015). Using social capital to build global health initiatives: Connecting organizations and citizen-stakeholders through social media. In T.R. Harrison & E.A. Williams (Eds.), Organizations, Health, and Communication. New York, NY: Routledge.
Chewning, L.V. (2015). Multiple voices and multiple media: Co-constructing BP's crisis response. Public Relations Review, 41(1), 72-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2014.10.012
Chewning, L.V., & Doerfel, M. (2013). Integrating crisis into the organizational lifecycle through transitional networks. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(21), 39-52.
Doerfel, M.; Chewning, L.V., & Lai, C. (2013). Network Structures and IORs: The Evolution of Networks and the Resilience of Interorganizational Relationships after Disaster. Communication Monographs, 80(4), 533-559.
Chewning, L.V., Lai, C.-H., Doerfel, M. (2013). Organizational resilience following disaster: A longitudinal view of information and communication technologies use to rebuild communication structure. Management Communication Quarterly, 27(2), 237-263.
Harrison, T. R., Morgan, S. E., Chewning, L.V., Williams, E., Barbour, J., DiCorcia, M. J., Davis, L. (2011). Revisiting the worksite in worksite health campaigns: Evidence from a multisite organ donation campaign, Journal of Communication, 61, 535-555.
Morgan, S. E., Stephenson, M.,Afifi, W. A., Harrison, T. R., Long, S. D., & Chewning, L. V. (2011). The University Worksite Organ Donation Project: A comparison of two types of worksite campaigns on the willingness to donate. Clinical Transplantation, 25 (4), 600 –605.
Doerfel, M.L., Lai, C., & Chewning, L.V. (2010). The evolutionary role of interorganizational communication: Modeling social capital in disaster contexts. Human Communication Research.
Morgan, Susan E., Harrison, Tyler R., Chewning, Lisa V., DiCorcia, Mark J. & Davis, LaShara A. (2010) The effectiveness of high- and low-intensity worksite campaigns to promote organ donation: The workplace partnership for life. Communication Monographs, 77: 3, 341-356
Harrison, T. R., Morgan, S. E., & Chewning, L. V. (2008). The challenges of social marketing of organ donation: News and entertainment coverage of donation and transplantation. Health Marketing Quarterly, 25(1/2) 33-65.
Morgan, S. E., Harrison, T. R., Chewning, L. V., Davis, L., & Di Corcia, M. (2007). Entertainment (mis)education: The framing of organ donation in entertainment television. Health Communication, 22(2), 143 –152.
Conference Presentations
Chewning, L.V. (2019). Building Engagement with Religious Institutions across an Online/Offline Stakeholder Spectrum. Presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference, Orlando, FL.
Chewning, L.V. (2018) Defining Virtual Engagement. Presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Prauge, Czech Republic.
Chewning, L.V. (2017). Understanding Online Engagement from the Stakeholder Point of View: How Goals, Motives, and Affordances Drive Online Stakeholder Engagement. Presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference, Orlando, FL.
Chewning, L.V. (2016). What it means to be a citizen: “Most Admired Companies’” Discourse About Corporate Citizenship. Presented at the National Communication Association conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Chewning, L.V. (2016). Moving Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility to Community and Citizenry: Galvanizing Social, Reputational and SocioTechnical Capital for Change. Presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL.
Chewning, L.V. (2015). Creating Collaborative Opportunities: Examining Interactive Communities in Social Media Research & Practice. Panel member. Presented at the National Communication Association conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Chewning, L.V. (2015). Using Social Capital to Build Global Health Initiatives: Connecting Organizations and Stakeholders through Social Media. Presented at the International Communication Association conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Chewning, L.V. (2015). How Organizations and Stakeholders are connecting via Social Media…Building Community and Enacting Change. New Jersey Social Media Summit, Wayne, NJ.
Lai, C., & Chewning, L. (2014). Organizing and Adaptions of Collective Grasroots Efforts for Disaster Response. Presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Seattle, WA.
Chewning, L.V. (2013). Dimensions of Trust in Post-Crisis Organizing. Presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Washington, D.C.
Chewning, L.V. (2013). Dear Diary: Mommy Blogs as Personal Narrative in an Evolving Media Landscape. Presented at the New Jersey Communication Association Conference, Madison, NJ.
Chewning, L.V. (2012). Mapping Words that Build Connections: Analyzing Stakeholder Messages in a Transitional Space. Presented at the Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Redondo Beach, CA.
Chewning, L.V. (2011). Are you getting what you came for? Evolutionary mechanisms in online social support communities. Presented at the Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, St. Petes, Florida.
Chewning, L.V. & Doerfel, M.L. (2009). Establishing the Foundation for a Communication Theory of Transitional Space. Presented at the International Communication Association conference, Chicago, IL.
Doerfel, M.L.; Lai, C.; Chewning, L.V. (2009). The evolutionary role of interorganizational communication: Modeling social capital in disaster contexts. Presented at the National Communication Association conference, Chicago, IL.
Teaching Interests and courses taught:
My teaching philosophy reflects an emphasis on interactive learning and student voice. My courses are designed to facilitate student learning with techniques that encourage critical analysis and learning through action.
CC 406 Social Media in Corporate Communication
CC 495A: Corporate Communication Internship
CC 403W: Studies in Public Relations
CC402: Media Relations
CC 401: Corporate, Non‐Profit, and Government Public Relations
CAS 352: Organizational Communication
CAS 100A: Effective Public Speaking
Selected awards, grants, patents, other honors:
Outstanding Teacher Award for Tenure Line Faculty, Penn State University, Abington, 2015
W. Charles Redding Dissertation Award, International Communication Association, 2009.
Top Paper in Organizational Communication of the National Communication Association. 2009
Research Interests
Research combines theoretical and applied perspectives to further understand the role of communication in human organization, with a primary focus on using ICT (information & communication technology)to create and extend networks, and a secondary emphasis on organizational crisis. Research includes a focus on both natural crises and crises of reputation. An emerging secondary focus on health and dis/ability communication.