Initial Registration Form for Non-PSU Students

Non-Penn State students registering for the first time at Penn State, or who have attended Penn State but are not currently enrolled, must complete and submit this form.

To protect your privacy, we will contact you separately to obtain your social security number. Your registration isn't complete without that number.

Submitting this form starts the multi-step registration process which is described below:

  1. Submit the initial registration form
  2. PSU will enter your information into our system, called LionPATH
  3. You will receive two emails from PSU, one asking you to create an account with a password, the other asking you to complete a registration activity guide
  4. When you have completed all of the above, your account will be active and you will be able to register online for courses once registration opens.
  5. If you are registering for a course that has prerequisites, please email [email protected] to be manually enrolled.  Your instructor will check with you that you have met the required prerequisites at your home university.

High School Students - Dual Enrollment

If you are currently enrolled in High School and have not yet graduated, please do not complete this form.

Please contact Matt Metzger [email protected] to be properly approved for dual enrollment.

Section 1: Biographic Information
Permanent Residence
Section 2: Enrollment
Enrollment Request for which term? (Spring, Summer or Fall?)
Have you ever been enrolled at Penn State?
Are you currently in academic drop status from Penn State or any other college or university?
Have you ever been dropped for poor scholarship from Penn State or any institution?
Have you ever been dismissed or suspended for disciplinary reasons from secondary school, Penn State or any other institution, or are you ineligible to return to a prior institution due to a disciplinary matter?
Is there an unresolved or pending disciplinary matter at a prior institution?
Within the past five years and NOT INCLUDING (1) Possession of a controlled substance, (2) Possession of paraphernalia (3) DUI/DWI/OVI/Wet Reckless, (4) Public Intoxication, and/or (5) Underage purchase, consumption, possession, or transportation, have you: Entered a plea of guilty or no contest to one or more criminal offenses? Participated in a presentencing diversion program for one or more criminal offenses? been convicted of a criminal offense? been incarcerated or under supervision of a probation and/or parole office?
NOT INCLUDING (1) Possession of a controlled substance, (2) Possession of paraphernalia (3)DUI/DWI/OVI/Wet Reckless (4) Public Intoxication, and/or (5) Underage purchase, consumption, possession, or transportation, are there criminal charges pending against you at this time?
Have you ever been denied admission to Penn State?
Are you planning to take courses to earn a degree?
Section 3: Ethnic Background
Is your ethnicity Hispanic?latino (Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin)?
What is your race? (select one or more)
Section 4: Educational Background
What is your highest level of education? (Select One)
Section 5: Residency Status
Are you a US Citizen?
If no, which of the following statements describes your citizenship status?
Section 7: Signature
I have completed all applicable sections of this form and I affirm accuracy of the information provided. I understand that inaccurate information provided on this form may be cause of refusal or cancellation of my enrollment. My digital signature is below.