For the past 6+ years, Penn State Abington has offered a Diversity Predoctoral Fellowship to provide support and mentorship for a promising scholar who is committed to diversity (including but not limited to race/ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability), with the goal of preparing the scholar for a faculty (ideally, tenure-track) appointment at Penn State or elsewhere.
The fellowship provides students with one year of financial support, including salary, fringe benefits, and research/travel funds (comparable to other full-time faculty at Penn State Abington). The fellowship may be extended for an additional year.
The application cycle for AY2023-24 is indefinitely postponed. Please keep a lookout for updates on this webpage.
The only responsibilities the Fellow has are:
- Teaching two courses per semester in their field of expertise
- Making progress on their dissertation
We encourage Fellows to be an active part of the Penn State Abington community, whether that is attending faculty meetings or getting involved with student organizations. We want them to feel more ready to make the next step in their academic careers.
Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited doctoral program in the U.S., authorized to work in the U.S., and demonstrate a commitment to and engagement with equity issues. Special consideration will be given to applicants from racial/ethnic groups underrepresented at Penn State Abington. The fellow must have an approved dissertation proposal and have advanced to candidate status at their home institution. Successful candidates will show evidence of outstanding academic achievement and promise as teachers and scholars. Candidates should have a capacity to respond in pedagogically productive ways to the learning needs of students from diverse backgrounds and a commitment to engaging communities underrepresented in the academy.
Past and Current Fellows
AY 2017-2018, Dr. Justin Coles, Education, Fordham University
AY 2018-2019, Dr. Liz Hughes, Sociology, Penn State Abington
AY 2018-2019, Dr. Sam Davis, History, Texas Christian University
AY 2019-2020, Dr. Wintre Johnson, Education, University of Virginia
AY 2020-2022, Dr. Karina Vado, English, Penn State Abington
AY 2022-2023, Dr. Yelana Sims, Afro-American Studies, Penn State Abington