I have been working with students as both an advisor and instructor since 2009. At Manor College I was the transfer advisor for 6 years, helping Manor's students continue their education at a 4 year institution after completing an associates degree. I also taught Gen Chem labs at Manor, Arcadia University and Gwynedd Mercy University during this time. I started at Penn State Abington in 2016 as an Assistant Teaching Professor of Chemistry, and in 2018 I added the role of Health Professions Advisor. I am passionate about helping every student find the right path and achieve their career and life goals.
Research Interests
I am currently working with a small group of chemistry faculty from other Penn State campuses on developing general chemistry remediation courses and on a study of student perception of their abilities in the sciences before and after they complete such a course.
PhD in Chemical Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University
BChE in Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware
Papers and Presentations
"Sliding the chemistry barrier: A mid-semester replacement course for struggling general chemistry students", ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, State College, PA, June 5-8, 2024 (presented by Michael Hay, with team members Christine Krewson, Tracy Halmi, Kurt Kistler, Roger Egolf, Claudia Tanaskovic)
"New Advisors Workshop", NEAAHP Regional Meeting, Niagara Falls NY, June 2023 (presented by the professional development team members)