College to Career - RATE

Learn | Engage | Succeed

RATE (Reflect, Articulate, Translate, Evaluate) helps a student tell their unique story connecting what they experience across their college education and how to translate its value into any professional context

RATE (Reflect, Articulate, Translate, Evaluate)

Students, learn more about RATE's purpose and how to use it from this explanatory video.

The heart of this career readiness initiative is to develop our students' awareness of what they are learning in and out of the classroom and their ability to articulate the value of what they are learning to a variety of career contexts. RATE is a digital self-assessment tool that helps students practice these reflective skills. RATE coaches students in how to view their course assignments and co-curricular activities as career readiness experiences by asking them to:

  • Reflect on the experience.

  • Articulate how the experience helped them develop competencies. 

  • Translate how those competencies are of value in professional contexts.

  • Evaluate their level of readiness in those competencies.

Using RATE not only allows students to practice articulating their Core Competencies in a clear and compelling way but also provides a log of their career readiness experiences (along with the impact and value of these experiences) for future reference in preparing for job interviews and career networking opportunities.  

Are you ready to get started with RATE?

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For more information contact Career & Professional Development at [email protected]