AP Statistics Schedule 2020

Monday-Thursday, June 29-July 9

For Days 1 – 7, two hours of instruction will be synchronous activities and two hours of instruction will be through asynchronous activities.
On Day 8, two hours of instruction will be synchronous.
Note: Activities involving using technology will include the use of graphing calculators and websites including, applets from the Rossman and Chance website, www.artofstat.com, www.lock5stat.com/StatKey, www.desmos.com and Stat Crunch.

Day 1: Exploring One-Variable Data and Introduction to the Course and Exam Description

Synchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will complete a checkpoint map to explore the new Course and Exam Description.
2) Participants will engage in several learning activities related to exploring one-variable data
including activities involving technology.
3) Participants will review free response questions and scoring guidelines for problems involving
exploring one-variable data analysis.

Asynchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will watch the three “Overview Videos” in the Professional Learning section of AP
Classroom and post a response to the discussion board.
2) Participants will read “Calculus is the Peak of High School Mathematics”.
3) Participants will read “Instructional Approaches” in the Course and Exam Description and post
a response to the discussion board.

Day 2: Exploring Two-Variable Data and Introduction to AP Classroom

Synchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will engage in several learning activities related to exploring two-variable data,
including activities involving technology.
2) Participants will review free response questions and scoring guidelines for problems involving
exploring two-variable data analysis.
3) Participants will experience the following learning activities: stand and talk and speed sharing.

Asynchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will watch and complete the ten “Interactive Tutorials” in the Professional Learning
section of AP Classroom and post a response to the discussion board.
2) Participants will create an assignment in AP Classroom consisting of 10-15 questions using
content from Unit 1 and Unit 2 of the Course and Exam Description.

Day 3: Collecting Data and the AP Audit

Synchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will engage in several learning activities related to data collection, including activities involving technology.
2) Participants will review free response questions and scoring guidelines for problems involving
data collection.
3) Participants will be introduced the AP Audit process.

Asynchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants that are new to the AP Exam will begin to create their own syllabus and review
syllabus requirements. Participants that have previously submitted a syllabus will review
their own syllabus to see if it meets current syllabus requirements.
2) Teachers will create an account in the AP Teacher Community for Statistics and either post a question or add a comment to an existing discussion.

Day 4: Probability, Random Variables and Probability Distributions and Exploring Previous Free Response Questions

Synchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will engage in several learning activities related to probability, random variables
and probability distributions, including activities involving technology.
2) Participants will review free response questions and scoring guidelines for problems involving
probability, random variables and probability distributions.
3) Participants will see how lessons in Desmos Activity Builder can be used to build
communication in statistics.

Asynchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will watch “AP Statistics: Transforming and Combining Random Variables” at the
College Board’s You Tube channel for AP Statistics.
2) Participants will read one selection of their choice from “Sampling Distributions” in
the Special Focus Material section found in Classroom Resources and post a comment to
the discussion board.
3) Participants will choose one Free Response Question to be used in class discussion over the next
several days.

Day 5: Sampling Distributions and Multiple-Choice Questions

Synchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will engage in several learning activities related to sampling distributions,
including activities involving technology.
2) Participants will review free response questions and scoring guidelines for problems involving
sampling distributions.
3) Participants will review strategies for approaching multiple choice questions, including “scratch
one, choose one”.

Asynchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will read “Calculations Aren’t Enough! The Importance of Communication in AP
Statistics” found in AP Statistics Classroom Resources and post a comment to the
discussion board.
2) Participants will share on the discussion board ways they have worked with students to increase
statistical communication.
3) Participants will read one of the following: “Why Variances Add and Why It Matters ” or “Is
that an Assumption or a Condition?” or “Power in Tests of Significance” found in AP Statistics Classroom Resources and post a comment to the discussion board.

Day 6: Inference for Categorical Data: Proportions and Homework Considerations

Synchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will engage in several learning activities related to inference for proportions,
including activities involving technology.
2) Participants will review free response questions and scoring guidelines for problems involving
inference for proportions.
3) Participants will discuss grading policies and expectations they have for their students related to

Asynchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will work on developing materials, assessments or lessons for one of the nine units
of their choice.
2) Participants will read the article “ASA Statement on P-Values” and post a comment to the
discussion board.

Day 7: Inference of Quantitative Data: Means and Assessment Considerations

Synchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will engage in several learning activities related to inference for means,
including activities involving technology.
2) Participants will review free response questions and scoring guidelines for problems involving
inference for means.
3) Participants will review several Investigative Task questions and learn how to prepare students
for successfully completing the Investigative Task.

Asynchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will finish working on developing materials, assessments or lessons for one of the
nine units of their choice.
2) Participants will read the article “Scientists Rise Up Against Statistical Significance” and post a
comment to the discussion board.

Day 8:Inference for Categorical Data: Chi-Square and Inference for Quantitative Data: Slopes

Synchronous activities will include the following:
1) Participants will engage in several learning activities related to chi-square inference and inference for slopes, including activities involving technology.
2) Participants will review free response questions and scoring guidelines for problems involving
exploring chi-square inference and inference for slopes.
3) Participants will share the work they have created for their unit of choice.