AP Biology 2020 Schedule

Lab Materials Needed for this Workshop: 

1. 2 potatoes (any type)
2. Small bag of mini-carrots
3. Leafy celery sticks (minimum 3)
4. Table sugar 1 lb.
5. Distilled water (gallon)
6. Clear plastic cups 8-12 oz (12)
7. Hydrogen Peroxide (3% from any store)
8. Table or regular fan
9. Notebook, Pencil, Calculator
10. Blender
11. Coffee filters or cheese cloth or thin small towel Order ahead of time from Amazon (or anywhere you can find something similar for the price)
12. Pocket balance $9.99
13. Algae bead kit needed for next week $24

*Penn State Abington has agreed to reduce the cost of this Biology APSI by $50 to compensate for the price of materials.


Monday-Thursday,  Week 1: June 29-July 2 (synchronous)

Day 1 (Synchronous)

Welcome, introductions, K-W-L sharing

Key Takeaway 1: Understanding the Course and Exam Description (CED)
• Building conceptual understandings by linking Learning Objectives (testable) and Essential Knowledge (content) in each Big Idea.
• Applying content in new, relevant, and unfamiliar contexts using and Science Practices (Skills) and Essential Knowledge.

Activity: Teaching for Transfer by Applying the Science Practices
Practicing the Practices: Investigation #11 Transpiration Set-Up (kitchen chemistry 1)
Alternative to Investigations 5 & 6 Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis in Algae Beads ( kitchen chemistry 2)
Activity: Teaching for Understanding of Content and Skills
Activity: Understanding the Course Framework and Big Ideas

Day 2 (Synchronous)

Practicing the Practices
Investigation #13 Enzyme Catalysis using Turnips/Potatoes and Hydrogen Peroxide( kitchen chemistry 3)
Transpiration Data Collection Day 2 via Small Scale/Balance

Key Takeaway 2: Planning the Course
• Sequencing, Pacing, Scaffolding

Activity: Exploring the Unit Guides (and treasure hunt map)
Activity: Scaffolding and Spiraling the Science Practices
Activity: Planning Your Course (plan the first quarter of your course with teachers who have similar schedules).
Activity: Reviewing Instructional Approaches

Day 3 (Synchronous)

Practicing the Practices
Investigation 4: Diffusion and Osmosis in Vegetables ( kitchen chemistry 4)
Transpiration Data Collection via Small Scale/Balance Day 3

Activity: SP 2 – Visual Representations
Activity SP 3 – Questions & Methods

Key Takeaway 3: Teaching the Course
• Teachers need a deep understanding of content and applications
• Using effective instructional strategies to help develop course skills and content knowledge
• Practice make perfect
• Creating community within a classroom

Day 4 (Synchronous)

Practicing the Practices Wrap up
Investigation 4: Osmosis and Data Analysis with Water Potential
Final Transpiration Data Collection via Small Scale/Balance Day 4
Investigation 8: Virtual pGLO Bacterial Transformation

Activity SP 5 – Statistics and Data Analysis
Activity SP 6 – Argumentation

Key Takeaway 4: Assessing Student Progress and Understanding
• Aligning assessments and instruction to learning goals and performance standards
• Challenging students to apply their knowledge and skills in different contexts for deeper understanding
• Time, practice and feedback
• Understanding is earned over time

Activity: Analyzing Science Practices and Learning Objectives on Exam Questions
Activity: AP Biology Exam Structure

Monday-Thursday,  Week 2: July 6-July 9 (asynchronous)

Day 5 (Asynchronous)

Key Takeaway 4 Cont’d: Assessing Student Progress and Understanding
• Time, practice and feedback
• Understanding is earned over time

Activity: Scoring Free Response Questions
Practicing the Practices
Investigation 9 Virtual DNA Gel Electrophoresis

Day 6 (Asyncronous)

Practicing the Practices
PhET Simulation: Lac Operon & Gene Regulation

Instructional Strategies for Science Practices using selected FRQ’s
Activity: Using PPC’s as Formative Assessments

Day 7 (Asynchronous)

Key Takeaway 5: Becoming a Member of the AP Community
• Course Audit and Curricular Requirements
• AP Teacher Community and Additional Resources Activity: AP Audit and Curricular Requirements Activity: Becoming a Member of the AP Community

Practicing the Practices
Investigation 3 BLAST

Day 8 (Asynchronous)

Continued: Instructional Strategies for Science Practices using selected FRQ’s

Practicing the Practices
Investigation 11 (Virtual): Behavior in Mealworms

Happy Teaching!